Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Emma turns 7!

Emma turned 7 on Feb 15, and my mom and sister had joint birthday party for her, my brother Ryan, and my Grandma (who came up from GP to visit). We had dinner and then dessert. Emma got a lot of presents and she made this funny face the whole time because she was embarrassed or something. I'm glad I caught it on film. It was fun to spend time with my family, everyone was able to make it, and especially my grandparents because we haven't seen them in awhile. The girls made bookmarks for Grandma and Ryan and cards. We all took family pics with the G's and that will be a nice keepsake. I also made this FABULOUS cake for Emma. My sister kept saying, "we are already making a cake." And I still insisted that I was making one for Emma. When they saw it, they realized why I wanted to make another cake. Emma is obsessed with horses, everything she brings home from the library is on horses and she constantly tells me about the horses she wants to get when she grows up, so I thought she would appreciate this cake. She did. I am bragging now because if you know me very well, I am very lazy, and don't go all out for things. My sister was very impressed. She's the suzy homemaker in the family.
I can't believe Emma is now a year away from being baptized. I am so excited for her. She has grown into a wonderful, helpful, obedient, smart, and fun girl and I am blessed to be her mom. Luckily she got most of her qualities from her dad. :)


stacie said...

that is such a cute cake! Maybe I'll hire you next time I need a cake! ;)

the splendid life of us... said...

That is an awesome cake! Great Job! And I can't believe that you have a 7 year old, crazy!

Lindsey said...

Wow. When you decide to blog, you really pack it in!!! :)

Stephanie said...

Great job on the cake... very cute!

Merry said...

Cool cake! I like making fun cakes for birthdays!