Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm Baaaaack! And keeping it short and sweet.

A few recent happenings:

Natalie ballet'd her way into my heart at her dance program. She loved wearing "adult make-up". The little ones got the biggest applause. Good job, Nat!

Emma played soccer for the first time, while Dad got to be her coach. Both fell in love with soccer.

Natalie and cousin Kyla had their preschool graduation. Now officially Kindergartners!

Brother Chris and SIL Kim had baby Hannah. She's older than this, just had blessing and stared and smiled at me while I was holding her. So precious! Congrats you guys!

Went to GP for Memorial weekend and boat races. Didn't even hear the f-15's fly over which was strange. Fun time had by all.


Stephanie said...

I check regularly and just thought I'd see "shame shame...." again. But lo and behold ~ you blogged.
Fun times happening for your summer.