Friday, December 4, 2009

Finally re-entering the blogging world!

Hopefully you all didn't give up on me, even though it's been a couple months. Finally was able to get pictures figured out on computer. Don't ask, it's been extremely frustrating. So, here I am coming back to update the world on our happenings since September. There has been a lot to mention.
Adam has decided after not doing so hot in Calculus, that he doesn't want to major in math anymore, which means no more math teacher. He wants to get a degree in econimics and possibly still teach, but is also on a waiting list for a newer program in water conservation at the school. We just have to wait to see if he gets in for next fall. Then it would be 2 years to finish that. I was hoping to be able to be a high school coach's wife, but my dreams are shattered. :) I just want him to enjoy what he is doing and be able to support us at the same time.
After lots of soul searching, I took a day job at my same clinic because the night and weekend hours were causing me a lot of unhappiness. I had done it for about 6 years and felt that I couldn't stand to work these hours for 2 or more years while Adam is in school. I was scared about figuring out what to do for the kids during the day, but Adam's sister comes over to our house and watches the kids for us to make things way less complicated. And Adam is home a lot with them because of his school schedule. So for now, things are working out good and I get to be a part of the goings ons that I have missed for so long. No more not getting to do things because I work. My schedule is mon-wed 8am-5pm. I have a ton of time off built up because I no longer have to use it. It's great!!!
I also started a weight loss journey with some of my friends. It has been good to have the support because we all know how hard it is! We started in september and I've lost 21 lbs so far. Wish it was more, but it's been coming off healthy. Plus there's those weeks that aren't so great. But I feel way better, and feel like I can continue do lose the weight with support. Wish me luck!

Our whole family completed a 5K on Thanksgiving called the Turkey Stuffer. Wish I had pictures but wasn't smart enough to remember that. I was going to run it with my sister but she decided to sleep in instead, so as I was getting ready in the morning, my family was waking up and I said to Adam "Lets all go and walk this thing". So we all got ready and I signed the girls up there because they were free, and we were off. There were a lot of people and I got to see a lot of friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Most of my weight loss group did it so that was great! The girls were really tired but when we got to the 2nd mile, I was like "we are gonna run the rest of the way to the finish!" They were exhausted but did their best and ran more than I thought they could. It was fun to do as a family and also a great way to feel better about stuffing ourselves on Thanksgiving!
That is all I can think of right now. I will try to be better at posting more often, because I miss hearing from my friends! And I will be better about checking in on all of you too!


Whitmer Family said...

Funny how life moves and changes on us! Sounds like it will all work out, hope Adam get's into the program he wants! We almost did the Turkey Stuffer, too! But, Ben decided to play football instead. Maybe we'll see you there next year! Great to hear how your family is doing...take care!

stacie said...

Good luck with the school plans and all... that would be great if he got in that program! Glad you have a better schedule at work and can do more! We'll have to get together soon! :)

Marcee said...

Time sure has gone by... It is good to see pictures of your family though! It has been years since I have seen your mom and Brynn! Crazy! Looks like you are very busy, but good busy, that is great!!

Kellie said...

That is awesome that you lost so much weight, how did you do it? and I am glad to hear about your "new" job! Hang in there!

Not quite the Bradys said...

Yay Kretha! And I love you. :)